Time to Work on Getting Poison Ivy
Whoa! I haven't been here in a while, so I've noticed there have been some changes. These will take getting used to.
Obviously, I haven't done much by way of blogging. I've had more time to write, but unfortunately, I've spent more time on Facebook and generally checking sales on Smashwords.com and my YouTube account.
I'm down to three jobs now, all of them part time. I have more time to do stuff, and that stuff is house-related. I worked on the front lawn, and trimmed that up a bit, with the help of my neighbor. So Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, I decided to tackle the back lawn, despite the heat. I filled up two lawn waste bags, and set them out in the driveway. Then, the next day, the itching started. And the swelling. Yes, there's poison ivy in the back yard, and I guess I was too dumb to realize it. Yesterday, I broke down and went to RediMed. I've gained weight, and my blood pressure is up, despite exercising more. Since I was self-pay (my new insurance will not send out cards unless I call them, how fucked up is that?) the physician's assistant said she could give me a shot, or give me steroids. At $7.17 per prescription (thanks to the discount card RediMed handed me) I opted for the steroids.
I don't know if it's the poison ivy, or what, but I've felt blah. The sudden extreme heat didn't help, but I feel as if I need another vacation, even though I had eight days off (not in a row) a couple weeks ago where I did get some things accomplished. And what's more, I seem to have turned into a couch potato, and I don't really care that the house is a complete mess, and there's plenty I can do. I don't seem to feel so scared about dying anymore, though. The last couple of months, I've had that fear for some reason, that time seems to be moving faster and faster and faster, and there's not a damn thing I can do about that. Perhaps I've reached a climax, and have just said, "fuck it," at least for now.
The steroids have not triggered any extremes of energy or appetite. I kinda looked forward to being on Prednisone, because the last time I was on it, I was the happiest I'd ever been in my adult life. Full of energy and ambition, I can understand why people take illegal steroids. It's great to feel great, and when you are negative and on the depressing side, to feel such euphoria is quite novel. Kind of like a homeless person stepping into Madonna's life for a few weeks.
There's other stuff going on two, which I won't go into here. but I was surprised that I've been getting page views. Not a huge number, but I wonder if anyone does read these things. Of course, it WOULD help if I posted more than twice a year...