Back in the glorious 1990s, Sarah-Katherine published a 'zine called Pasty. It was one of the best ones of the perzine genre. She talked about coffee and food and a sex party and checking out the jail and getting drunk for science. We got to know each other via mail. Yours truly published a 'zine called Angry Young Woman. We traded 'zines, and I also got 'zines from other talented writers. Well, Sarah-Katherine got a legit publishing deal and went on to publish Indecent: How I Fake it and Make it as a Girl For Hire and Sex and B acon: Why I Love Things That are Very, Very Bad For Me . A review on Sex and Bacon will be coming from me . Indecent sounds awesome too, and as a repressed Catholic girl, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Sarah-K's latest publishing venture is about being in rehab. If you loved her 'zine, you'll love Rehab A Go-Go . I know I did. Sarah-Katherine is a hell of a writer. Entertaining, funny, philosophical. She's talented and ...
Actually, the second to last time I ate there, I got diarrhea too.
I've been cutting back on the junk food since Saturday. That morning I woke up with a racing pulse. I went to RediMed, and they did an EKG, but they couldn't find anything. But the physician's assistant said I might want to cut back on the caffeine, so I have. I can't remember the last time I had some of my beloved Coke Zero. It's hard for me to eat junk food and wash it down with water, so if I don't lose some weight from this, I'll be a bit pissed off.