I'm not sure how I feel about the fat acceptance movement going on. On one hand, I understand that not everyone can be a size two. There are women who are solidly built, and are tall (for women). On the other hand, size 28 (and larger) women seem to be everywhere. Maybe in coastal cities, and certain urban areas, you don't see it as much. But in Indiana, particularly Fort Wayne, you see a lot of huge women, and men. I know the battle of the bulge well. I've been fat since I was 22, which was a long time ago. My metabolism seemed to shut down. I was eating the same sort of stuff that I normally ate, but the thing was, I wasn't 15 anymore. Not that I exercised a lot as a kid, but I swear to you, I could eat anything I wanted and not really gain. Seemed like a normal everyday thing then, I'd kill to have that now. I never realized that it would end. I never realized I'd inherit my mother's torso, and the tendency (from both parents) to gain weight. After my...