The Big Ass San Francisco Photo Album
Because too much is never enough, I took three cameras with me on my trip in November. All three had video capabilities. But I have to say the camera I used the most was the one on my Samsung Galaxy III smartphone. I also got to try my Canon EOS T5 Rebel. I can't figure out why cameras are so macho. Even the box design is full of testosterone. Ladies and gentlemen, EXTREME PHOTOGRAPHY!!! Anyway, I'm going to label these photos. CP stands for cameraphone, T5 stands for my majorly macho photographic investment. I like the ease of using my cameraphone, but after realizing I've wanted a decent DSLR for the past ten years, I caved. There are worse addictions. For ease of use, I put the Rebel T5 on lazy program mode and shot away. This was helpful when I was on moving vehicles getting shots of the city. CP GNARLY DUDE!!!!!!! CP Mr. Bill takes on an arm wrestler at Musee Mechanique. If you like all sorts of arcade games and attractions, you'll love ...